What Is The Best Color Light For Sleep?

What Is The Best Color Light For Sleep?

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It's likely that someone has told you that you should stay away from bright lights for at least a few hours before going to bed. This is solid advice; nevertheless, it has come to my attention that some colors of light may inhibit your ability to achieve a restful night's sleep more so than others. Some lights have the potential to stimulate or excite, while others have the ability to calm, relax, and put you in a more laid-back state of mind.

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There are a lot of night lights out there that are fitted with either very bright white bulbs or bulbs of a lighter hue, and both of these types of bulbs have the ability to wake you up more than you would like. However, if you have difficulties falling asleep in the dark or are looking for the best night light to add to a room, it is crucial to know which colors to avoid and which colors should be your top priority when shopping for night lights.

Sleep Induced by Red Light

Wavelengths of red light have been shown to influence the generation of the sleep hormone melatonin in human brains. This hormone, which is produced naturally in your body, sends a signal to your body that it is time for you to go to sleep. Your body creates more of the chemicals that help send you into REM sleep and help control your circadian cycle as it grows darker outside.

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Twenty female basketball players took part in a pilot trial in 2012 to learn more about the advantages of red light treatment, which was given to them at night for thirty minutes. Participants in the research who received light therapy for 14 days noticed substantial changes in their melatonin levels and sleep quality when compared to those who received no light treatment at all. Hence Red light is the best color light for sleep.

If you discover that you are waking up several times during the night and that you need to see, it is advised that you use a nightlight that has a color that is somewhere between reddish-orange. This is due to the fact that while you are awake, your eyes will be less sensitive to the color in question.

Sleep Induced by Blue light

It is well knowledge that exposure to blue light inhibits the production of the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin, which helps people stay awake. You won't be able to obtain a decent night's sleep if the lighting has a blue or cold tone, and this type of lighting is prevalent in many settings, most of which we are probably not even conscious of. Blue light is emitted by a variety of electrical equipment, including your smartphone, television, and other electronic gadgets. 

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In order to give your body enough time to restore its melatonin levels, you should switch off all electronic devices for almost sixty minutes before going to bed. This will ensure that you get adequate rest. In order to prevent the bad consequences of staying up late at work or surfing the web on your phone while in bed, you should consider whether or not you might benefit from utilizing products that filter out blue light. If you wear glasses that filter blue light, you can prevent it from reaching your eyes, which may lessen the effect that blue light has on your ability to achieve decent sleep when it interferes with your capacity to do so. Even the "night mode" found on many smartphones and tablets helps reduce the amount of blue light that is emitted.

Individual Preferences

Some people believe that having a light on while they sleep is not only more convenient but also beneficial for a variety of reasons, including the fact that it helps them feel more at peace or because they are afraid of the dark. In a situation such as this one, the levels of brightness of the lights ought to be dialed down to their lowest settings.

Another piece of research came to the conclusion that personal taste may also be a factor in determining which color of light is most helpful for lulling individuals to sleep.


A significant number of people, on a day-to-day basis, struggle with the difficulty of not getting enough restorative sleep. Because our minds are constantly subjected to a barrage of hundreds of various stimuli and diverse sources of information, we tend to indulge in an excessive amount of overthinking as a result.

There is some evidence to suggest that being exposed to red light may cause drowsiness in those who view it. On the other hand, It is now well-accepted that being exposed to blue light can result in a reduction in the quantity of melatonin that is generated by the body.

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